My Family
There’s so many things I could say about my life……….the most important thing of all has been my family.
“You don’t choose your family. They are God’s gift to you, as you are to them.” ……..
“I am blessed to have so many great things in my life – God, family, and friends…. 🐑🙏❤️

My Family …. (29/06/2022)
Kirsty ………….. Daughter (1980) facebook page
Robert …………. Son-in-Law (1982) facebook page
Mason …………. Grandson (2003) facebook page
Mia ……………… Granddaughter (2005) facebook page
Logan ………….. Grandson (2010)
Coco ……………. Family Beagle (2012)
John ……………. Brother (1950)
Best Friend ….. Jason (everything a brother could be and more❤️) facebook page
Best Friend ….. Frieda – Sister from another Mother
Best Friend ….. Fred – Brother from another Mother

Children & Grandchildren
Life is precious, Moments too………it may be a moment of holding your Son in your arms or walking your beautiful Daughter down the aisle on her Wedding Day…….”They all become such Precious Priceless Moments”
“Children are one third of our population and all of our future.” — “Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see.” — “You can learn many things from children. “Children see magic because they look for it.”

March 8th 2021 Covid 19 a Year On
I wrote 2 blogs here in March 2020 about the Covid pandemic gripping the world 26/03/2020 Family & Community Spirit and 30/03/2020 Grandchildren What I write below are "My thoughts and my comments alone" A
01/11/2020 – #Octoberchallenge
#Octoberchallenge I started this challenge on 1st October to ride 10 miles every day of October, Today was Day 31, and what a journey This challenge was fun, but needless to say it was tough
26/04/2020 – A Sheep in Solitude
A Sheep in Solitude - Why I chose the name? Sheep In Solitude The words “Sheep in Solitude” are an oxymoron, Sheep are naturally part of a flock, a group that naturally stay together, move
10/04/2020 Lockdown Walk – “Dedicated to Gary Murphy”
10/04/2020 Lockdown Walk I stopped work on 21st February to change to a "Zero Hour"contract at Bristol International Airport, with a view to starting the new contract on 21st March, of course we know what
08/04/2020 The Sunday Hour is Growing (Update)
The Sunday Hour is Growing (Update) The Sunday now has a 4th broadcast slot. The popularity is growing and we are getting more and more dialogue with various people and organisations with the church both
06/04/2020 – Prime Minister Boris Johnson
Boris Johnson moved to intensive care as symptoms 'worsen' Isaiah 40:31 but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow