Tuesday 29th March KIM Happy Valley Afternoon Feeding
Having spent the morning with the children on Smokey Mountain, we had walked back to the mission church to a lunch of locally made food, and words of prayer from the local Pastor Emilio before our next visit to feed more children at Happy Valley. Having now seen this area, I find it ironic, and yet quite apt that it is called “Happy” Valley. The conditions were much worse, very dirty very unhygienic and a little intimidating, we were advised to make sure our rucksacks were worn front ways and belongings firmly in place. Whether this was actually warranted I am not sure, but we made it through the many many people who were going through mountains of household waste.
This walk through the dirty blackened streets winding through large building that were once industrial and now housing hundreds of families. Adults and children sitting amongst mountains of household and commercial waste, sifting through every piece finding anything that could be sold, or indeed used by them. Walking on the “streets” grew narrower the area became even more filthy, walkways that had been dirt, and grime, and probably more unhealthy things compacted over the years with the bare footed children and adults. Children started to follow us to where the feeding was to take place amongst so much filth and rubbish. Young children with their dirty cups and dishes, very young mums carrying almost newborn babies hoping there was enough food to go round……… It really was pulling at the heartstrings.
We again blew balloons and made shapes, struggling to keep up with demand, the shouting and cheering every time we managed to make the shapes they all wanted. One lady carrying young child in her arms, came out from the shadow looking expectantly, I asked how old her baby was, Two she said, clearly under nourished for a two year old, I asked, how old are you? she said 19 (she looked 27-30)  I held up my finger, 1 child? she held up 4 fingers! ……… No laws, no birth control, no education. After feeding we played with the children, making even more balloons and we also had Bubbles blowing and toy spinning “helicopters” simple toys but giving so much pleasure, you couldn’t help to admire their resolve.
It was soon time to go, but there was no misery no long faces, because they loved that we had arrived and knew that someone would be returning again. The children followed us back through the narrow streets and onto the main road outside this “Happy Valley”. Along the way the adults were still going about their daily tasks, sifting rubbish, a father and son were tinkering with a “Bike” that had what looked like a Lawn mower engine attached to the frame, amazing ingenuity! A young man giving another a haircut, and another standing in a bowl pouring water over himself, a makeshift shower? This Happy Valley really was a very dirty area, areas that were just Black! As we reached the main road the children following all cheered and shouted as we left, knowing that we, some other party of students, Christians from the KIM would return.
We walked back to the mission church, down the steps and alongside the river to have photos and see more street kids. Final photos and  then back over the “closed” bridge, across the wide river that was awash with masses of rubbish that is just dumped into the water. Young boys were diving and jumping off the bridge, and although my immediate comment was ” But surely the water is too filthy to swim in” these boys had been doing it for generations and would continue for generations to come……..We waited on the side of the road for the Jeepneys to arrive, next to a closed building that was housing continuous Cock Fighting. Taking the Jeepneys back to the station, and headed back to YMCA KIM at Caita Rizel. There was much thought this evening……
My feelings were that this was definitely the filthiest, poorest, but dare I say, happiest place we had visited. A remarkable place filled with remarkable happy people, the same as it had been before and as it would be in the future. Children swimming in filthy water, babies being born in a “production line” increasing the population that was already at bursting point. No birth control, any medical assistance no matter how small has to be paid “up front” Babies dying,……… yes dying because their parents have no money to pay medical expenses. Babies and children abandoned because parent (s) cannot cope (Birth Control) Like the children this morning, these are the meek that will inherit the earth and will be welcomed into God’s Kingdom. Many of us said quiet prayers whilst with the children, to give them the strength and the will to smile through each day and carry on their Christian beliefs. We don’t need possessions, we just need the love of God and anything is possible
Psalm 23Â a psalm of David ……The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want…….
 In just a few hours in Smokey Mountain and Happy Valley …….. Wearing Trainers!!!!!
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