Today on The Sunday Hour we played the most beautiful story… “The God Who Sees”
I admit having tears whilst listening to this, not just once but each time I have listened. After I discovered it I knew I had to play it on The Sunday Hour, even though it is 11 minutes in length, it captivated me, it is a story I recognised, and the story of Ruth has long been a favourite piece from the Bible. This piece is beautifully worded and sung by Nicole C Mullen, and from the response I have had I know I was right to choose this piece and to play it for all the listeners.
Take 15 minutes of your time, close the doors, immerse yourself in this story about Hagar, Ruth, David and Mary, you will be uplifted I am sure.
The first link is to the song,
The God Who Sees – Nicole C Mullen
The second link is a behind-the-scenes look at how a friendship and collaboration formed over music and film making.
The making of “The God Who Sees”
I am humbled by some comments that I received after this edition of The Sunday Hour was aired in New Zealand on West Coast Radio, from Scotland on Shaky Radio and from the Philippines on Kaibigan Radio.
“I have been listening since the first programme in New Zealand, and I wanted to message you and let you know that you have given me and my family such a beautiful and new perspective on our Sundays. We go to church each and every week, and now your programme is listened to each Sunday morning, and we seem to have “spring in our step” as we set off. Thank you, please don’t stop making this programme. Today you played a piece from Nicole Mullen, who we had not heard of before, the story of Hagar Ruth David and Mary, what a beautiful piece and this was complimented by all of the songs and the spoken words. Lastly thank the lady that asked for the churches of New Zealand and The Blessing, that was a lovely touch”
“The Blessing from The Churches of New Zealand, and the Maori words, it was a blessing, Thank you”
The Blessing | Aotearoa/New Zealand Churches join together to sing “The Blessing”
“Bless you so much Keith God is certainly leading you along your journey. He knows His Faithful Servants and will guide you so remember if anything goes wrong ever or if you need help or guidance, step up the prayers 🙏 for yourself. Sometimes we are so busy praying and caring for others we leave ourselves out of our own praying. I regularly repent, ask Jesus for guidance through The Holy Spirit. It is all there for you Keith especially as your ministry is reaching corners of the world. I am so very proud of you and honoured to be your friend”
“Absolutely brilliant show and thank you so much for the request ❤️ ….. You did bless me with your show. Very tearful in a good way”
“Good morning Keith. These special days coming up to Christmas, we will light our candles to light up for God, and to know, as always, he will be by our side. Keith you bring light and joy to are hearts with today’s Sunday Hour. Thank you my dear friend Carol and Steve (Spain) 🙏❤”
“Good morning, The words you spoke about a book from your friend and then played the Revelation Song by a reggae band, that was so good, it uplifted me, I love the Sunday hour and the story didn’t seem like 11 minutes, it was lovely, thank you”
“Thank you Keith, you know you give me tears every single week, Bless you
“What a fabulous Sunday Hour today. It seemed to have a slightly different ‘flavour’ from other weeks but wholly uplifting, flowing seamlessly from one spiritual moment to the next. Certainly food for thought in the words you spoke and a variety of music styles, so something for everyone. I need to listen at least twice to make sure I haven’t missed anything! Thank you for playing my request as well. The Sunday Hour is a lovely way to start my day, thank you Keith. I’m looking forward to the Christmas day show already!
Every week, I receive comments but don’t publish them, but with such a response to The Sunday Hour this week, the last before Christmas, I decided to do a short blog and include them
The Sunday Hour today can be listened to again, just click this link, please leave me a comment if you wish……. Thank you
The Sunday Hour – UK edition – Shaky Radio for the Parkinson’s Community
The Sunday Hour – Kaibigan Radio – from the Philippines
The Sunday Hour – West Coast Radio – Auckland New Zealand
The Sunday Hour – Broken Chain fm – Christian Radio Saskatoon, Canada
Making The Sunday Hour is a huge part of my life now, I know I am being guided along this path, and I walk it with “The Shepherd” by my side, gladly, happily. Where will this path lead me? perhaps to return to the Philippines again, but surely with my Macbook and microphone ………… and The Sunday Hour……..
I am: The Miracle – Author Pastor Mike Klumpp
I met Mike whilst on a Missionary visit to the Kids International Ministries in the Philippines Easter 2016, we became friends and to this day I stay in touch with the family by way of facebook and instagram (I wrote 7 blogs about this trip – look at my blog page)
Mike Klumpp was pastoring in Hong Kong at the time, and his guidance was a turning point for me for sure, along with Karen his wife, my friends Frieda, Hiver and Hector, also from Hong Kong, who invited me on this Mission trip. Mike now lives in Rich Valley, Virginia and is Pastor at Rich Valley Presbyterian Church
Mike Klumpp is many things, writer, poet, teacher, actor, sensei, consultant, and even centrifuge technician. In I Am: The Miracle, Mike tells how he came to be the most important thing of all, the Miracle. Like many, Mikes life took dips and turns and had high and low points. At its lowest point, debt and doubt planted their seeds and festered into every corner. Trusting in God, he allowed his life to be guided by Him to overcome the difficulties. inside the angel of death sat in black with her mother negotiating a time of departure “you could tell something was wrong …” the wings draped still at the side of the messenger concern in her eyes “I will help you – I will remove all pain. Tell me what you want” “care for my children, they have nothing” For many, thoughts of suicide come easily during times of debt, doubt, and pain. Mike was no different as he sat alone, drowning his pain in drink, plotting his own demise. In contemplation, during what would have been his last moments, he came to glimpse the mysterious ways in which God, the Savior works. In the journey to knowing God, experiencing Him, and finally allowing Him to be part of his life, Mike rode a roller-coaster, battling every obstacle and cherishing every calm moment, before discovering the purpose of his life. The journey brought him to secluded parts of the country and across continents, where he discovered a spectrum of characters with the same purpose: to survive. A three part book, I Am: The Miracle begins with the journey this humble father from Texas took that led him into a small village in the depths of Africa called Lemoru. Through faith and perseverance, his journey delivered help, touched the lives of thousands, and nurtured new relationships of true friendship across the continents. I Am: The Miracle is a beautifully written memoir sprinkled with poetry and anecdotes. This book serves to further support those in need as proceeds will go directly towards efforts to help the underprivileged in various groups overseas. This is managed through Mikes charity, the East African Service and Empowerment Organization (EASE: http: //, which has recently expanded to include impoverished areas in Asia, and his current church in Hong Kong, the International Fellowship North (IFN).
I have this book, and recommend it to all of you. Published by Wick House Publishing, Fort Collins Colorado. and available at Amazon.
An Interview in 2013 Mike Klumpp – Author
Luke 2:8
There were shepherds in the same country staying in the filed, and keeping watch by night over their flock