
06/04/2020 – Prime Minister Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson moved to intensive care as symptoms 'worsen' Isaiah 40:31 but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.   Our Prime Minister Boris Johnson after being hospitalised yesterday, has been

03/04/2020 Reverend Diana Greenfield joins The Sunday Hour

Reverend Diana Greenfield joins The Sunday Hour I became aware of Diana by chance when I heard her on GFM107.1 Radio, doing an interview on the Monday morning show that  Mell Turford  presents. I was bowled over by her voice and cheerful disposition. Diana finished with a prayer for a friend who was returning to

28/03/2020 In Spirit and In Truth

In Spirit and In Truth - A Painting by Annie Carrington I met this amazing lady a couple of years ago when I joined The Seed  Church.  Annie Carrington   had her Art Studio next to where we used to meet in Cheddar, where we struck up a warm friendship. Some time after I first visited her

24/02/2020 – It is so quiet

It is so quiet I woke this morning, later than usual, to find the sun streaming in through the window, I thought to myself ....."After all the turmoil and uncertainty of the days events yesterday, how God can put a smile on my face" In all this uncertainty, God provides a way to bring tranquility

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