Hong Kong

March 8th 2021 Covid 19 a Year On

I wrote 2 blogs here in March 2020 about the Covid pandemic gripping the world 26/03/2020 Family & Community Spirit and 30/03/2020 Grandchildren  What I write below are "My thoughts and my comments alone" A year later and I write this blog, so much has changed in our fragile world. The thought that it would

26/04/2020 – A Sheep in Solitude

A Sheep in Solitude - Why I chose the name? Sheep In Solitude The words “Sheep in Solitude” are an oxymoron, Sheep are naturally part of a flock, a group that naturally stay together, move together graze together, they are not loners, they are not in solitude… So why did I come up with the

10/04/2020 Lockdown Walk – “Dedicated to Gary Murphy”

10/04/2020 Lockdown Walk I stopped work on 21st February to change to a "Zero Hour"contract at Bristol International Airport, with a view to starting the new contract on 21st March, of course we know what happened in between those two dates, so I have been off for 7 weeks. I was Self-Isolating long before the

08/04/2020 The Sunday Hour is Growing (Update)

The Sunday Hour is Growing (Update) The Sunday now has a 4th broadcast slot. The popularity is growing and we are getting more and more dialogue with various people and organisations with the church both traditional and new. As we are all restricted in our movements at this time and for the foreseeable future, it

31/03/2020 – Zwifting at Home

Zwifting at Home My cycling hobby started a few years ago, with my BF and joint crazy adventurer Jason. Having done the   Mendip Challenge 31 mile Ultra Marathon "What can we do as a "challenge" for charity"... 7 Marathons in 7 days for 7 Charities?    (thats for another blog) this lead on to me

24/02/2020 – It is so quiet

It is so quiet I woke this morning, later than usual, to find the sun streaming in through the window, I thought to myself ....."After all the turmoil and uncertainty of the days events yesterday, how God can put a smile on my face" In all this uncertainty, God provides a way to bring tranquility

23/03/2020 – The UK Lockdown Coronovirus Covid19

The UK is on a National Lockdown tonight  You can find the nhs details here: NHS Lockdown Conditions Basically these are where we are: Essential Workers to continue working Everyone is to stay at home, only to Leave the House to Shop for essentials One Exercise a day with children but staying together and no mixing

27/07/2016 – Back to Hong Kong

Back to Hong Kong …. London Heathrow Its been a tough couple of months working hard to help get the business back on track, its a long road but we are getting there slowly. very long days and weekends too, stress.... a little.... frustrations...... many, but the belief in the office from the 3 of

By |2020-03-24T01:07:44+00:00July 27th, 2016|Hong Kong, News|0 Comments

25/03/2016 – Arrived Hong Kong

Arrived Hong Kong Delayed from Beijing, managed to get on the plane and was asleep before we pushed back! Woke up when the lady next to me shook me! We were at the gate at HK International....that's the type of flight I like!! Immigration smooth but waiting fir baggage is slow. Love HK I it's

By |2020-03-24T01:45:20+00:00March 24th, 2016|Hong Kong|0 Comments
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